Put the fries in the bag, bro!

This is a mild putdown.  It implies that someone is failing at what they are attempting to do (as in trying to make an impression on social media) and they should instead go and get a job at MacDonalds because that is all that they are good for.

ZG: 4

Obviously a phrase which hasn't crossed the generation gap, but Senator Layman may have helped it along.

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Sue ButlerComment
voice banking

This is the process of recording your speech so that it can be recreated by AI to speak whatever you require it to say.  This is of benefit to people who know that they are going to lose their voice as, for example, a result of a tracheotomy.

ZG: 3

This is still part of the jargon of speech pathology although its frequency may now increase.

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Sue ButlerComment

This is the name for a new class of synthetic opioids appearing as a white powder, a crystalline solid or a brownish powder.  It can be sold as tablets.

ZG: 6

I would give this a high rating except that people seem to be avoiding the name nitzene in favour of the more general synthetic opioid.

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Sue ButlerComment
smart insulin

The official name for smart insulin is glucose-responsive insulin (GRI) but I think that, speaking lexicographically, smart insulin is the name that will be popular in common speak.

ZG: 5

Of trememdous interest to the diabetics among us but since it doesn't actually exist in the market yet it is not on everyone's lips.

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Sue ButlerComment
pig butchering

It’s odd isn’t it that such a very retro activity — fattening the pig and then slaughtering it for some festive occasion — should be the metaphor for modern-day scamming.

ZG: 7

This is a relatively common and extremely harmful form of scamming.

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Sue ButlerComment
awe walk

You can do this or an awe run which is easier to say but harder to accomplish.  The idea is to take time out of your busy life to engage with nature in a way that takes you out of yourself.  It is at the heart of awe that you should feel yourself to be as nothing in the vastness of the world around you.

ZG: 3

Yet more advice on health and wellbeing. A trend that might fade quickly.

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Sue ButlerComment

Let’s start with the alpha male — charming, with access to power and its associated status, physically impressive, dominating and quite possibly intimidating.  The alpha male has been contrasted with the beta male — quiet, lacking physical presence, submissive.  But now we have the sigma type which can be male or female. 

ZG: 8

This is the trendy word to use to express admiration. As far as the stereotypes go, being alpha was exhausting whereas being sigma is just doing your own thing.

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Sue Butler Comment
black cladding

Both state and federal governments engage Indigenous businesses to undertake various projects for which government funding is supplied.  It seems that some non-Indigenous businesses have eyed off this funding and decided to become Indigenous to get it. 

ZG: 4

In the niche area of government funding for Indigenous projects this term is big at the moment.

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Sue ButlerComment
rage ritual

The rage room is still a relatively recent discovery but this is for a general catharsis and is for everyone.  You can feel a lot better after you have thrown crockery at the wall and smashed up a few things, it seems.  It’s fun to let go. The rage ritual is specifically for women and part of wellness programs that have linked up to psychotherapy. 

ZG: 4

Yet another trend in venting frustration to achieve that elusive wellness.

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Sue ButlerComment
paper mill

In academia these days the worth of an academic is measured by the number of papers he or she can publish.  There are businesses, paper mills, which cater to this demand by publishing poor quality papers or even fraudulent papers that can be passed off as genuine research. 

ZG: 3

In the academic world paper mills are no doubt discussed at length but outside academia the term would not have much currency.

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Sue ButlerComment

This is a term coined by the US advocacy group Strong Towns which is essentially interested in urban planning that reduces car dependency and favours urban design concepts that benefit people in their daily lives, such as walkability, mixed-use zoning and infill development.  The word is a blend of street and road

ZG: 3

This is a word forced upon us by those who want to campaign for change in urban design. I'm not sure that it has been generally accepted.

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Sue Butler Comment

The victory of Arisa Trew in winning gold in the Olympics skateboarding will mean that we will all learn a few more terms of skateboarding jargon.  The first one that struck me was the commentator’s use of NBD.  Apparently Arisa did a few of them.

ZG: 7

Still a skateboarding jargon term but we have heard it a lot during the Olympics.

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Sue Butler Comment
fairy porn

This is a new genre, similar to fantasy but with explicit sex scenes involving human and fairy characters.  It has required a new classification of literature.

ZG: 6

In the book world fairy porn is the flavour of the month.

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Sue ButlerComment

Every aspiring American president wants to hook up to popular culture by way of music as a way of gathering votes.  In the case of Kamala Harris the hook has been offered to her by Charli XCX, a British singer/songwriter.

ZG: 3

For us this is of passing interest as the American election caravan rolls on.

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Sue ButlerComment
risky play

In this time of cottonwool parenting educators are realising that children are missing out on opportunities to develop both physically and mentally.  And so we have the concept of risky play in which children learn their physical capabilities as well as the ability to adapt, to measure risk, to cope with what life will throw at them.

ZG: 7

This is definite the in-thing among the educators and parenting advisors at the moment.

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Sue Butler Comment
direct air capture

There have been various carbon capture schemes proposed.  In DAC (direct air capture) the air is sucked into a system which filters out carbon dioxide which is then stored, usually in deep geological formations, or else reused in other processes. 

ZG: 5

Yet another way of reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Who knows if it will work or not!

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Sue ButlerComment
solar garden

The solar garden allows people who, for a variety of reasons, are not able to have the benefit of rooftop solar panels, to buy a portion of a solar panel array and profit from the energy produced and fed to the grid.

ZG: 5

Our first solar garden is just being launched so this does not have high frequency yet, but the enthusiasm of renters may well make it big.

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Sue ButlerComment

This is a music genre which dates back to the 1990s in the Southern US but which has, in the last couple of years, become mainstream at least for the Twitter generation.

ZG: 8

High frequency in a particular section of the community.

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Sue ButlerComment

This is the work of maintaining the social connections within an extended family.  It has in the past been done largely by women.

ZG: 7

This was an item of academic jargon until it hit the mainstream in social media.

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Sue ButlerComment
marine cloud brightening

Way back in 2018 I spoke about cloud brightening, the process of adding salt crystals to clouds which would then better reflect the rays of the sun, reduce the amount of sunlight falling on the earth, and ameliorate the effects of climate warming.

ZG: 4

If this works the term could get much higher frequency.

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Sue ButlerComment