New words
Usage matters
Sue at TEDxSydney
"There are those who want the dictionary to censor aspects of language that they deem to be unsavoury or undesirable. But language moves on."
Sue on the ABC's The Link
"I think with blasphemy you are actually going back to the 1600s where if you took the name of God in vain, that would produce the kind of strong reaction that we have to taboo words today.
Those sorts of taboos are losing their force and the F word, I think, would be regarded as still an emphatic colloquialism, but a colloquialism, not a taboo word."
It is astonishing how old some ideas are and how they linger on as an undercurrent of contemporary thought. There are undoubtedly people who still believe the world is flat despite all evidence to the contrary. In language there are assumptions that, though scorned by linguists, nevertheless survive in popular thinking.