There are two definitions for wedding puptials. In the first scenario an attendant looks after the puptials in parallel with the preparations for the nuptials. They groom the dog and adorn it with appropriate wedding finery, and then care for it during the wedding ceremony, making sure it is on hand when required. As well as the prenuptial agreement the happy couple may have to sign, there is the prepuptial agreement which determines what happens to the pet in the event of a divorce.
The second event is a fundraiser, usually for a dog welfare charity, in which the dogs are dressed as bride and groom and go through an elaborate wedding ceremony. Guests also bring their dogs and get to join in the festivities. Ultimately, through tickets or donations, money is raised for the charity, and everyone has a good time with the dogs.
This started in America of course but we have had a couple of wedding puptials in Australia now.