Our ability to go on social media doing the silliest things has encouraged a wide variety of lunatic activities and rawdogging is one of them. To rawdog an aeroplane flight is to undertake it without any of the amenities on offer. No airline food and drink, no entertainment (movies, TV shows, music, podcasts), and no sleep. In extreme cases no water. You sit — motionless. There are claims that this is a form of meditation and leaves you a different person in a different spiritual realm. It can also result in dehydration and thrombosis.
The craze appears to derive from an Apple TV series called Hijack in which the hero gets on the
plane without his phone or any devices. However, for the next seven hours he has very little opportunity to meditate, so this supposed origin is doubtful. Various people, mostly men, have attempted rawdogging and posted the details online.
The term rawdogging was originally for having sex without a condom but then came to mean doing anything without any extras provided. Having black coffee is rawdogging your coffee. No milk, no sugar.