I am indebted to Ross Gittins for these new acronyms which he explained in his article about how the right has moved to the left and vice-versa in voting patterns in America and, he expects, in Australia. GAL stands for green, alternative and libertarian. So the GAL component of the population cares about the environment and climate change, is relaxed about such social issues as gender fluidity, and wants the government to stay out of issues such as abortion where the individual should be able to make the choice. TAN stands for traditional, authoritarian and nationalist. A TAN voter hankers after the way things used to be, respects a strong leader, and wants immigrants to go back to where they came from. It used to be that the working class was left-wing but they are increasingly TAN whereas the educated, well-off voters are GAL. We’ll see how things work out in Australia in the next election.