16/8 diet

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This is a diet in which you eat for eight hours and fast for sixteen in the day, so it is one form of intermittent fasting. You can pick the 8-hour window to suit yourself and you can drink tea and coffee whenever you like. Of course you need to eat sensibly in the 8-hour period and not spend the whole time gorging yourself after which you might disappear into a 16-hour food coma.  It seems to be easier than the 5/2 diet which did require self-discipline for the two days of extremely limited eating.  This one is consistent. You don’t have to remember which day it is or plan your life in a 5/2 pattern. And it avoids the moments of extreme hunger when you are likely to succumb. As long as you know you are having something to eat each day which is sufficiently large and tasty to satisfy, then it is easier to manage the other 16 hours, for much of which you are probably asleep.


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