
This morning I was invited to look at a wellness dashboard and make a comparance between my locality now and other localities of interest to me.

Just as there is an ongoing debate about the acceptability of agreeance, perhaps we are about to have a similar discussion about the acceptability of comparance.  Certainly there are a number of firm voices on the internet stressing that the word is comparison, not comparance, but Google Ngram shows that the use of comparance peaked in the 1980s and has dwindled to a minor but not inconsiderable variant form.  It has been present, at times strongly, for a couple of centuries so it is not a new problem.

Just as agreeance has come to mean a state of mind whereas agreement is a document that you sign, comparance is the mental process of lining two things up side by side to see where they align, where they differ, whereas comparison is a specific analysis of similarities and difference between two nominated items.  I expect to see more of comparance in the future.

Sue ButlerComment