sleep tourism

We know about the bath butler and the IT or technology butler that hotels have offered in the past, but now we have the sleep butler or sleep concierge who will take you through the extended set of pillows that the hotel offers, with everything from buckwheat to memory foam to featherdown stuffing, and guide you through the other services and treatments available in a hotel that focuses on giving the guests a good night’s sleep.  You can change the background colours and sounds in your room to suit yourself.  You can have a white noise machine or a sleep mask. You can have a spa, a massage or a yoga or meditation session to improve relaxation.  You can have technology that tracks your sleep. But the best bit is the sleep gummy, the jelly lolly stuffed with melatonin.

Apparently so many of us are now sleep-deprived that a holiday that is all about sleep is attractive.

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