This was the term coined in 2002 but it seems to have been joined by conspiritualism which allows for a conspiritualist. For some time now we have seen the rise of those who eschew mainstream and traditional religions in favour of a generalised belief in some power out there that looks over our lives. There is a battle of good forces and evil forces but they are no longer viewed as God and the Devil. This vague sensitivity to the cosmos could encompass a belief in ghosts and a range of superstitions. It has in this century been combined with the notion of cultivating wellness. There is a flourishing industry in wellness retreats which rather goes against the anti-capitalism ideas that are common among its clientele. People have been off with the fairies for quite some time but now the fairies no longer live in the dell but in QAnon where they are lining up with the conspiracy theorists. You feel sick because a group of shape-changing lizards who run the earth have poisoned the water or the vaccines. All of this is totally anti-science but never mind! You believe what you feel is true and that is more important than facts which would take time to research and might not appeal to you very much. It is your truth that matters!