depression room

A room that is a total mess — clothes everywhere, bed unmade, last night’s dinner still on the floor — is an indicator that the inhabitant of the room is suffering severe depression.  In this state, with its accompanying feelings of exhaustion and lack of purpose, they feel unable to lift a finger to do something about it. And yet if it was possible for them to clean up the room they would feel much better.

There are lots of tips on how to do this.  Have a cuppa and analyse the room into its components and attendant tasks and then tackle this list one item at a time.  Make the bed which involves clearing away all the things on the bed.  Clean the floor which again involves removing the litter.

You could even take out your tape measure and tackle the job one square metre at a time. It will take time to complete it this way but that doesn’t matter. The important thing is to keep at it day by day.  Finally the day will come when the room is clean and you feel the lift in your spirits.