
This is the name that McDonalds gave to what they proudly boasted would be the Australian national coffee. This Aussie brew, launched in May 2022, was a blend of coffee, chai and wattleseed.  The addition of wattle seeds to the diet of First Nation Peoples was a relatively recent thing, happening a mere 1000 years ago. There are many species of acacia that provide suitable seeds which can be eater green or cooked, or dried and ground to a meal to make bush bread.

The meal is said to have flavours like chocolate, coffee and hazelnut, and is good with ice cream.

McDonalds have added it to their coffee which you can have hot or cold.

The name is modelled on American, but that was an Italian name give to the style of coffee that American soldiers in Italy in World War II felt was close to what they had at home.  It was espresso with hot water added.  Australiano has an Italian feel to it that doesn’t make it quite the right choice.

As some people have said, our national coffee is a flat white. Why do we need an Australiano?

Even Macca’s themselves seem to be not entirely convinced, announcing firmly that Australiano was with us for a limited time only. It seems strange to launch a national icon and not expect it to last longer than six months.  It compares badly with the Aussie pizza (barbecue sauce with egg and bacon or ham) which is in the dictionary.

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