lawn porn


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In the early days of the pandemic, when we were all nervous about conducting our lives in the usual fashion, we discovered many things that we could do at home to interest or amuse ourselves.  We had the bin outings –  donning fancy dress to put out the garbage bins and posting photos on Facebook.  We took to baking bread and cakes.  There are still whispers of shortages of tinned tomatoes brought on by the spate of home cooking. But all this died down as restrictions eased.

 Now we have lawn porn.   This is the parade of photos posted on a Facebook page called Lawn Porn so that people, mostly young blokes, can show off their perfect lawns and swap ideas and advice to help others achieve the same spectacular results.  I think there has always been the old bloke in the street who nurtured his lawn, mowing it regularly and using the leaf blower to whisk away any fallen leaves. Now Lawn Porn is the home of males in their twenties and early  thirties who have succumbed to the addiction.  There seem to be quite a lot of them and they seem to be mostly Australian.  Perhaps, as was the case with the bin outings, this is a pandemic response that Australia has given to the world.

 Lawn porn now belongs in the set of words created with porn in the sense of images that turn you on, so to speak.  There is food porn (images of food that are visually stimulating),  abandoned porn (photos of ruined buildings that have a strange appeal) and morph porn (photos of people which have been photoshopped, often maliciously), to name a few.