bubble buddy

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The bubble has been a rich vein of new words and meanings. We were familiar with the intimate bubble but now we have the bubble buddy, or buddy bro, the one person you can nominate as your friend in lockdown.  It was felt that single people in lockdown were the most isolated and that something should be done to give them contact with another human being.  Currently in Melbourne bubble buddies can visit each other even if the distance is greater than five kilometres, but they must be home by curfew. They must wear masks at all times, whereas the intimate buddies dispense with masks immediately.  If either person lives in a share house, then everyone else in the house must leave before the visit. Given that you are given two hours for exercise, this means that you have to organise them all to go jogging in the park for the time that you want with your bubble buddy. This could be difficult but the alternative is breaking the bubble which no one wants.

 But the greatest problem of all is deciding who you want and how to ask them. Rejection could be painful.

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