silo art

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It would seem that 2015 was the year in which silo art made its first appearance in Australia but from that starting point it has progressed to the point where it is now possible to follow a silo art trail as a tourist adventure.

 The first silo artists were street artists who responded to the call to do something with large and often abandoned silos.  Their work is epic and tries to capture something of the local history and culture. So the Wimmera kicked off with a quartet of farmers, while over in Western Australia the first choice was banksias at different stages in the growth cycle.

There is a related art form, water tower art. If a country town has missed out on having a silo, it may yet be able to take part in the art movement with its water tower. Artists are local and international. I am looking forward to the water tower near me becoming something other than the grey concrete monster it is at the moment.

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