adaptability quotient


 A quotient is the number you get when you divide one number by another. In the case of IQ (intelligence quotient) you divide the number which is the mental age of the child by the number which is the actual age, so if the mental age is 12 and the actual age is 10, the IQ is 1.2, often expressed as a percentage, thus 120.

 With the advent of the IQ, a number of terms have emerged where quotient has lost its mathematical origin and become simply an indicator that some form of natural intelligence or ability is being measured.

 The next quotient to emerge was the emotional intelligence quotient, shortened to emotional quotient.  This is a score that you get after doing a test.  Those with a high EQ are self-aware, self-regulated, empathetic, highly motivated and socially adept.

 The idea of an adaptability quotient  (AQ) is modelled on this but is meant to indicate readiness to be flexible in a fast-changing world, particularly in a business context..  It too is a score given on the basis of tests designed to show an ability to change course smoothly in response to unanticipated changes in the environment. Forget intelligence and emotional balance (although those are good qualities to have also). Adaptability is going to be in demand in the future.