golden coffee
We have learned so much about coffee and yet, there is still more to learn.
Golden coffee is, however, relatively low-tech. Simply add turmeric. This is done for health reasons. While the golden colour may be evident in the heated milk, it is not when the coffee is added, except perhaps in the artistic froth pattern on top, and has no effect on the coffee flavour. The turmeric is just one of a number of substances added to enhance the nutritional value of the coffee. The CSIRO is now about to persuade us to add powdered broccoli to our coffee but, as yet, there is no alluring name to give us encouragement. Golden coffee sounds wonderful. Broccoffee might work?
The other new style of coffee is high-tech and requires yet another kitchen device, the siphon coffee maker. The technique is, however, centuries old. The water at the bottom of the coffee maker is heated and creates steam which puts pressure on the water, pushing it up into the upper container, and creating a vacuum in the lower container. The ground coffee is added to the water in the upper container, the heat is removed and the water, now coffee flavoured, is drawn back into the bottom container by the force of the vacuum, leaving the grounds in the upper container. Some people swear by their siphon coffee, but then we all have our favourite brew.
It is interesting that Australians have gone from knowing almost nothing about coffee to being into all the latest fads and flavours. We rather pride ourselves now on how discerning we are. Practically a nation of baristas.